Friday Fictioneers

It was two in the afternoon. Slumped against the rear counter, Anita was counting the minutes. After work she was going to the doctor. “You need to come in immediately,” was the message on her phone.

At two-thirty she left, driving absently as she relived the past, dreading that this time she wouldn’t be so lucky.

The doctor sat behind an enormous desk. “Ms. Fitzgerald, I’m sorry, but your cancer is no longer in remission.”

Anita felt the whelp in her breast. “I know.”

Alone in her car, Anita picked up the phone. “Mom, it’s back …”

20 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

  1. How slowly and terribly those minutes must have gone! I hope she can still beat it and glad she has her mom there.

    Just wondering about “whelp”. I’ve never heard it used in that sense. Is the implication that it’ something her body’s giving birth to?


    1. Hi Sustainabilitea, I appreciate your comment. I was thinking about the word “whelp” today, after I posted, and I’m pretty sure that it’s just the wrong word. In my mind I was thinking whelp meant mass, but not in the sense of her body giving birth to a tumor. I’m not that deep. But I really appreciate your taking the time to read my story and I hope you enjoyed it despite my mistake. Thanks again!

      1. I did enjoy it and I hope you didn’t mind me mentioning about “whelp”, which really isn’t the right word. Mass, lump, growth, tumor, cluster, seem to be the best choices.


  2. One of those ‘you hate to hit like’ when you’d rather dislike… wait, don’t get the wrong idea. The writing is good – GREAT! The situation you portray….ahhhh, it’s just too close to home these days. My fatherinlaw is dying of the big C right now… You captured the emotion well.

    1. Hi Buffalostarmedicine, thanks for reading my story. I’m so sorry about your dad. I know this must be a hard time for you and I hope my story didn’t strike too hard. (I prefer writing about happy things, but when I sat down and started this is just what came out.) Thanks for commenting and take care.

      1. I thought so. And with that forgive me for not welcoming you before. Sometimes I’m not sure and would hate to say welcome to someone back for a second or third time. šŸ˜‰

    1. hi, i’ve been thinking about this comment and i can’t decide if it is merely a welcome or a criticism of the unhappy nature of my friday fictioneers story. if it is the first then thanks! i’m excited to improve my skills weekly using the given prompt. if it is the second, then all i can say is that given the allowed number of words, i think i’ll be the most successful in going with whatever comes to mind at the time, whether it’s fun or not.

      i hope that not all my stories will be a bummer and make people feel bad, but i’m not going to shy away from the ideas that enter my head as i write.

      thanks for taking the time to read my story šŸ™‚

  3. A sad take on the prompt. I liked the way that Anita knew without the doctor having to tell her.
    Welcome to your new addictive pastime of FF.

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