Friday Fictioneers


By Endless Edit’s Husband who loves his wife and is trying to take an interest in her interests.

David looked into his backyard and couldn’t believe he hadn’t mowed the grass in five years.  He wondered to himself, “why did I spend $20,000.00 to install a white iron fence with reclaimed stone buttresses in my backyard if I wasn’t going to mow the grass.”  As he lazily studied the waist high growth and the ill-considered project, David heard a knock on his door.  He thought he might get up and answer it, but instead, David returned to his afternoon nap.  The neighbor’s boy, who had come to offer grass mowing services for $25.00, waited three minutes at the door before walking home disappointed again.

106 words

6 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

  1. The link on the inlikz page goes to “You are not allowed to edit…” rather than to your story. You may want to re-do so people actually get here. 🙂

    As for the story, he missed a bargain. Anyone willing to mow five years-worth of grass for $25 is not someone to ignore! 🙂 A sheep or two might be a good investment.


  2. A pinch of irony with a douse of anticlimax.
    It’s quite funny when you think of it. The day he thinks about his unmowed backyard is the day he decides to ignore the person he had hired to do the job.

  3. Dear E. E.’s Husband,
    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. Happy to have you aboard. Did the kid at the door have a scythe or a machete? A bargain at 25.00. Fun story. I hope you’ll be back.

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