Friday Fictioneers

I was so bummed not to be able to do this last week! I couldn’t tell if the photo was of a bus or a fire truck, so I picked fire truck. Hope you like!


Copyright Indira

Jimmy could hear the sirens far off. He ran to the living room window, pressing his hands against the glass as he peered into the distance. “It’s almost here!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” His mother was checking the settings on her digital camera. “Okay, let’s wait on the porch!”

A big, red engine pulled into their neighborhood. Its yellow and red lights flashing as it stopped in front of their house.

“Happy birthday, Jimbo!” A husky fireman called from the driver’s seat.

Jimmy ran to the engine, squealing loudly. “Dad! This is the best birthday ever!”

18 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

    1. yeah, my husband told me about how the fire truck used to come to his neighborhood around christmas time when he was a kid, so my story was sort of a spin off that. glad you enjoyed and thanks for commenting.

  1. Dear E. E.

    Aw! This is a sweet one. I could see and feel Jimmy’s excitement. Very nice. Glad you were able to join this week.

    As always, I encourage participants to step outside the box. Doesn’t matter if the photo was of a bus, a fire engine or a taxi cab. It’s what the writer saw and felt.

    Good job!



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